Mole Removal

Laser Mole Removal in Erode

Mole Removal Treatment

Mole removal by – laser, punch, shave removal or surgical excision.

During Mole Removal

Before the procedure, we’ll measure and map the area. Your dermatologist will then clean and numb the area. After that, you’ll go through the process of receiving one of the mole removal treatments mentioned above. In some cases, stitching is done, but that only takes a few minutes.

After Mole Removal

Recovery time can vary, again, depending on the size of the mole and how deep the dermatologist cut into the surrounding tissue. If you receive stitches, you’ll likely have to come back in two weeks to have them removed. There should be no severe pain as the wound heals, except for some soreness and itchiness. However, expect some kind of scar after the procedure.